Friday, January 16, 2009


Ok, so for those of you who didn't receive frantic phone calls, here is the update you have been waiting for. (As if you really were)

After our low key Christmas, we celebrated Bryndan's 4th Birthday. We went to IHOP for breakfast because he really likes their pancakes. Then after church and naps, we went to eat with Nanna. He chose One the Border. He likes to share chicken and cheese quesadillas with her. Then we went to her house and opened presents. He got some Thomas the Train engines, and a little house/carrier for them and some Thomas the Train movies. He is really into that right now. He still loves his CARS, but Thomas is a close second.

The next day was A DAY. Due to circumstances beyond my control, the oven and the kitchen caught on fire. Yes, FIRE. We were able to get it out with the exstingwisher before the firemen showed up, but the smoke and soot were everywhere. We moved in with Shane's mom for 5 1/2 days while the entire house was being cleaned, deodorized, and painted in some areas. The insurance covered most of it, but what a pain. I don't know if I was getting sick before, but I had a upper respiratory infection by the end of the week. Not fun. It was cold so everyday I had to take the kids to a different fast food place with a playland just so they could run around a little. Boy did I get tired of that. Some friends took some pity on me and invited us to the science spectrum on that Friday. The kids had a blast. If we end up with a little money after the taxes, I may invest in a year pass for that. We only went to one room and they were occupied for 2 hours. That is wonderful if you ask me. We made it through the week with minimal trouble, but were very happy to move back to our own house. The kids got to play with their Christmas toys again, and I got to sleep in MY bed. I am still trying to find things they cleaned and moved, but at least they are clean.

I guess we really could have lost the house, so I am very thankful we didn't. It just seemed like such a big deal. I am not so good when I am not in my comfort zone. With Bryndan out of school that whole week, I felt like I was at my wit's end. It might have something to do with my other news......

Yes, we are expecting BABY #3 !!!!!

I am excited of course, but not feeling my best. My progesterone was low, so I am taking supplements daily. (they make me queasy on top of queasy). Only until week 12, then I can stop. Shane is excited too and we are looking forward to seeing who this new little person will be.

So now you are caught up with the Thomas'. Hope you all had good and safe holidays!!!


Daesha said...

WOW! You're full of news! Congrats and we'll be praying for baby #3. How exciting!